How to Book Open Play
Members can book 7 days in advance of an open play session
Non members can book 3 days in advance of an open play session

Step 1
To book your time, start at the home page:
Make sure you are logged in.
In the program section, select ‘“View All”
Step 2
On the next screen, you can select a variety of views
(grid, daily or weekly) and also select the specific program you are searching for (Clinic, Event, Open Play, Leagues)

Step 3
To view by session type, leave in ‘grid’ view and
click the open play button.
Select the box for the session you are interested in.
Step 4
From here you can book sessions that are within 7 days (for members) or 3 days (non members). Click the “book this open play” button.

Step 5
On this screen, click next. On the next screen click
on the date/time box that you want to reserve
(it will be blue when selected) and click next.
Step 6
Check out - Select “Pay with Card” button, scroll down to
enter card info, select save card (to save time on the next reservation). Select confirm - your session is booked!
Follow the same process to book clinics, leagues and other events,